The HCG diet foods that you can eat will vary depending on which phase of the diet you are in. For instance, people in phase one don't have to worry so much about their calorie intake. In fact they are expected to eat as much as they possibly can in an effort to sufficiently prepare their bodies for the diet.
But then on phase two you are supposed to drop your caloric intake drastically, (down to 500 calories a day), and this is when the HCG diet foods become a little stricter.
You can have things like meat and fish on this diet, but you want to make sure that you only eat organic. This is extremely important because you don't want to add any chemicals or toxins to your body. Also, when meat is not organic you are not able to get the proper vitamins and protein out of it. When you eat meat you are essentially eating the same diet that your meat has eaten. So when your meat has been given chemicals, you are also getting them.

Fruit is a staple to any healthy lifestyle. Your body needs fruit for cleansing, water, and nourishment. Again, you want to try to eat all organic and you want to be sure that you have fruit every day.
In fact, you should have fruit at every meal. You can have apples, grapefruit, strawberries, or oranges but you want to be sure that you don't mix your fruits or else you won't get your best results from the HCG diet.
Vegetables should also be eaten at every meal, and you should make sure to have one vegetable at every meal. Much like fruit, vegetables will give your body nutrients and hydration, two things that are essential to being healthy. Vegetables are typically very low in calories but that doesn't mean that you don't have to watch your portion sizes.

You will find that as you go through this diet, sticking with your HCG diet foods and calorie limits will get much easier.
Many people start to feel better after just days on this diet, and while most of that has to do with the HCG injections that you will be taking, a good portion of that is also due to the food choices that you make.
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